Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why cold calling does not work

Why Cold Calling Doesn’t Work Anymore

”When the rate of change outside exceeds

the rate of change inside, the end is in sight.”

- Jack Welch

Before you can be ready to understand and use the system outlined in this book, you

need to understand exactly why cold calling doesn’t work. Chances are you already

know that it doesn’t work, but may be skeptical or still clinging to cold calling because

it’s all you’ve ever been taught or because it’s “safe and secure.” With that in mind, let’s

take a look at the specific reasons why cold calling doesn’t work:

Cold calling destroys your status as a business equal

One of the things I’ve learned along the way is that in order to be supremely successful

in the world of selling and to maintain a very high closing ratio, you need to project a

very strong image that you do not need that particular customer’s business and are

ready and willing to walk away at any time. However, does making a cold call present

the perception that you don’t need their business? Of course not! When a prospect

receives a cold call from you, it’s VERY CLEAR that you need their business. To make

matters worse, the perception out there is that important people with busy schedules

don’t cold call and don’t have the time to cold call because they have more important

things to do.

Have you ever noticed how high-producing salespeople, most notably top realtors, have

their offices, letterhead, business cards, etc., highly decorated with their achievements

and awards? It’s impossible to step into the office or cubicle of a top producer without

noticing all the plaques, certificates, and trophies displayed on the wall. You cannot

correspond with one of them without noticing “President’s Club,” “Golden Circle,”

“Million Dollar Roundtable,” or some other such tagline in bold print on their business

cards and letterhead. Why do they do this? Is it due to arrogance? No! They do it

because prospects see it, recognize this person as someone who is not desperate and

does not need their business, and they automatically WANT TO BUY FROM THEM!

This is the same reason why so many prospects will call into an office and immediately

ask to speak with a sales manager or with the top salesperson in the office.

Cold calling creates the perception that you have nothing better to do at that particular

moment than to try and scrape up business. It comes off as needy and desperate.

Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age by Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Cold calling has become very ineffective these days as most of the people are not interested about what you sell through telemarketing. It has difficult to convince the customer to buy your product or service.

