Friday, June 7, 2024

From the desk of John Brandow

I have revived this blog for the specific convenience of people who would like to follow our dream of helping our children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren to start their own businesses. I left some of my old posts ( some more than 14 years old and still relevant )
Here is the post that started all this :

A bit of background.
I have 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.
My Children are doing OK as far as finances are concerned.
My eldest granddaughter has her own business whilst the Eldest Grandson is still not working
The second eldest grandson got his Matric certificate last year and the second eldest granddaughter will be matriculated this year. The others are still in school.
As grandparents, our observation is that these children will not be formally employed due to the structure of the South African economic world at the moment.
So, what is the solution?
We started an initiative to help them get off the ground.
Due to my background as a retired banker and Entrepreneur for the past 24 years, I think I might just have some answers to the question: CAN ONE START A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS?
To all reading this who might find our journey helpful in their own quest for helping their own children or grandchildren, I will be posting details of our journey on this group(if they let me) and my personal Facebook page.
I am not looking to make money out of this action. Following us on this journey is not going to cost you anything. It might help you to create a legacy…..

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